Do i have hiv? living with fear? - how accurate is a 2 and a half month hiv test
There are about 4 ½ weeks I had separated) sex with 2 different women (2 nights, stupid, and both unprotected from me. I am very pleased with their contantly in my head, I love my work relates worried. He was in Morocco, but I have no symptoms at once. I tested mine, but only after 10 days of the test was negative. But lately, I had a tenderness in the arm of an inch of skin is slightly red around 2 cm and occasionally irrational my inner thigh about 4 inches from the groin. Recently I also have a pain in the neck and wings on the left are the things that you might find. 2 things first, can someone tell me how exactly is the slave, even if it 10 days after the enocunter. I know that I am to get back --Test in 3 months, but I want to know the probability of success of this test. Second, the symptoms I am experiencing symptoms of HIV. Please can someone me a few answers, so I live in fear
First, relax! The symptoms of HIV infection is much more time to appear for a month or so.
Secondly, what the hell did you think? Unprotected sex in a foreign country, medical care WIH dubious?
You can also use an infection, possibly an infection of the urinary tract.
Consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Then go to the doctor to get the yes or no questions, rather than to random strangers on the Internet.
Adultery is illegal mate
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