Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fingure In Virgina My Cat Bit My Fingure And Now The Blood Is Trapped In My Nail Is That Dangerous?

My cat bit my fingure and now the blood is trapped in my nail is that dangerous? - fingure in virgina

He has bitten me about 2 weeks fingur directly under the nail of my fingur, he was bleeding a little, but it hurts very bad day .. Then he started a lot less now calmer and not at all hurt, but the substance of the nail is black, it looks like blood trapped .. I do not think it was a very good thing, but someone told me it could be dangerous, do not know then that I be worried?

1 comment:

ckm1956 said...

Dangerous, really. You could end up losing the nail.

If necessary, your doctor may make a hole in the nail and relieved.

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